Los dos tipos de hambre
Hay dos tipos de hambre – el hambre fisica y el hambre espiritual. Con demasiada frecuencia tratamos de satisfacer nuestro hambre espiritual con el tipo incorrecto de “pan”. …
Husband, father, deacon, spiritual director, retreat master, and owner of a rad toy poodle.
Hay dos tipos de hambre – el hambre fisica y el hambre espiritual. Con demasiada frecuencia tratamos de satisfacer nuestro hambre espiritual con el tipo incorrecto de “pan”. …
Exactly what do we need to practice?
Faith. Jesus didn’t send the twelve on a mission with nothing because their faith was perfected, but because they needed to shore up what was lacking. …
Is it time for you to look at remodeling your own ‘interior castle’? …
As evening drew on, Jesus said to his disciples: “Let us cross to the other side.” Are you ready? …
We celebrate Pentecost Sunday to learn a new language, the language of God, to a world that seems to have forgotten. …
Celebramos el Domingo de Pentecostés para aprender un nuevo lenguaje, un lenguaje que el mundo ha olvidado. …
In our busyness, it is easy to forget to look to the sky. We tend to think life is all toil and drudgery, and when we die, we will finally experience peace. We forget we are built for the infinity. We like gazing at the sky because we are destined to share in the wonders and glory that Christ now shares with God. …
Sometimes Christians make the worst witnesses to the resurrection of Christ. How can better engage today’s culture? …
A veces, los cristianos son los peores testigos de la resurrección de Cristo. Hoy, cuando el cristianismo está siendo atacado y, en declive, podríamos preguntarnos: ¿Por qué fueron tan efectivos en su testimonio? O más al grano, ¿qué nos estamos perdiendo? …
What can we learn from Nicodemus about strengthening our own belief? …