Sacrifice, Grace, and the Goose
As the sun began to brighten the morning sky, two geese quietly swam past the dock. I happened to have some bread with me, so I tossed out a few
As the sun began to brighten the morning sky, two geese quietly swam past the dock. I happened to have some bread with me, so I tossed out a few
Homily for 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time
How many people walked across that field without seeing the treasure? How many times do you and I go about our daily routine and completely miss the treasure that is right here before us? …
The pictures shows an amazing make-over of a statue of Jesus we have on the trail at the Catholic Conference Center. Though the remake beautifies the trails, we can also look at the statue symbolically. The ‘before’ picture may represent our spiritual life before the pandemic – a little neglected and not too pleasing to gaze upon. The ‘after’ statue gives us an idea of the transformation that can take place if we accept this challenging time as an invitation to do a little makeover of our own spiritual life. …
Homily for the 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time
I wish things were different today. I wish I didn’t have to wear a mask. I wish I could meet with my business associates and network. I wish I could go out to lunch with my friends. I wish I could go out in public and not have people looking at me as if I had the plague.
I wish there were no pandemic. In short, I wish for an immediate answer to my prayer, “thy kingdom come,” right here and right now. …
A Message from the Director of the Catholic Conference Center: Early each morning I go outside to pray. Last week just as I settled in my chair it started raining. A little
Homily for the Feast of Corpus Christi
Remember. It is the first word out of the mouth of Moses when he addressed the Israelites (Dt 8:2-3). He said the to the Israelites:
Remember how when you were lost, the Lord led you out of the desert.
Remember how when you were thirsty the LORD gave you water from a flinty rock.
Remember how when you were hungry, the LORD gave you manna from heaven.
Remember. We have come here today for one reason: to remember.
Out of all of the words of encouragement that Moses could have said to a people who were fed-up and afraid, he chose to say one word: remember.
Having trouble finding a path through the woods? You’re not alone. …
What is the post-Covid-19 world going to look like? A comparison to the resurrection might shed some light. …
Which biblical narrative best describes this current COVID-19 crisis: Exodus or Exile? …